Tag: workshop

One of the most special parts about living in New York is the quick access to so many different Northeast regions, famous for their fresh air and utter beauty. Spend the weekend in Central New York, where you can take off on a rare adventure below ground at the Howe Caverns! 156 ft below the earth’s surface, your journey will wind through limestone corridors, cavernous galleries, under massive boulders, until you discover a subterranean riverbed

Chris Harp is an organic beekeeper, “Bee Doctor”, beekeeping teacher and co-founder of HoneybeeLives.  He has been tending his own hives in New Paltz, NY for twenty-six years.  He has expanded his naturalist and biodynamic approach to tend approximately 200 colonies in locations in New York and Connecticut for both individuals and organizations.  Harp is a consultant on hive health for troubled colonies and concerned beekeepers. Harp’s naturalist and biodynamic methods, and unique hive designs,