Tag: shop small

For over 100 years, Essex Market has served as a meeting place for the Lower East Side community. It is a public market made up of many smaller vendors who pride themselves on getting to know their customers. Its friendly vendors offer a unique array of products in a welcoming, community-oriented environment. You can be on a first-name basis with your butcher, cheese monger, grocer, and fishmonger. And if you’re in the mood to nosh,

La Marqueta was founded in 1936 to provide entrepreneurial opportunities for pushcart vendors. This market has been and continues to be an iconic East Harlem marketplace. Celebrate the vendors of this public market at the 2nd Annual Deck the Stalls Holiday Market. On December 8th in the Seaport District, and from December 13th – 15th at Essex Market, enjoy a special celebration of small businesses and local vendors that represent the unique cultures of New

It always feels like there is a very short period after that Thanksgiving feast where you can rest and fill up on detoxifying veggies and wholesome foods in preparation for the onslaught of holiday cookies, cocktail hours, treats, and sweets that descend upon you each December. I try to take advantage of the wintry assortment of vegetables the NYC Greenmarkets have to offer this time of year. My go-to dish is roasted root vegetables. Warm,