Tag: nj farm

Need a few moments of respite from the global health crisis? Consider ordering local wine and cheese delivered to your home from New York’s Backyard Garden—the rolling vineyards and farms of Central New Jersey, just an hour’s drive, or overnight delivery, from your doorstep. “New Jersey is producing some of the best wines in the east,” wrote the Wine Enthusiast a couple of years ago.  “New Jersey’s top estates are producing some of the best

Dear EscapeMakers — There’s a NEW Jersey you haven’t seen yet! We’re excited to announce that just this week, a coalition of New Jersey farmers, beverage makers and farm-to-table restaurateurs launched a new website, DiscoverCentralNJ.com – a guide to help you find the special places, food, and drink that earned the Garden State its nickname! Central New Jersey is located within 1 hour of NYC, completely accessible by NJ Transit, and is steeped in agricultural