Kaatsbaan Lodge Catskills Special – Free Night!
Enjoy a mid-week escape to the country
Kaatsbaan Lodge, in Saugerties, is located less than 2 hours
from NYC along the western edge of the Hudson River, at the base
of the Catskill Mountains.
Dear EscapeMakers – go for a romantic escape
and relax by the fireside or plan a quick family getaway. Enjoy late summer and early Autumn in the Catskills — swim, hike, paddle, tennis or golf… For the serious tennis player – opt for the
Total Tennis experience if improving your game is your goal. Take advantage of top-notch professional private and group instruction.


To make reservations
or for more information,
visit: kaatsbaanlodge.com
Call 800.221.6496 or 845.247.9177
Offer good through October 30, 2018
to Sustainability
The Kaatsbaan
Lodge recycles and composts. Fruits & veggies are harvested from their organic farm.
Their solar array produces 35% of the facility’s electricity. |