Apple Picking in NY State

Apple Picking in NY State

Dear EscapeMakers — Mmmmmm! Apple season is upon us and New York State apple farmers have been busy growing the best tasting apples. In fact, did you know New York is the 2nd largest apple-producing state in the U.S.? That’s a lot of flavor right there!

It’s almost time to pick, drink, crunch and bake as many apples as you can get your hands on!
What’s your favorite apple? Download a variety guide, nutrition info and recipes below!
And of course, you can always visit farmers markets in New York State and at Greenmarkets across NYC to stock up on your favorite variety of apples!

Also, September 7th, make sure you attend our Farms & Foliage Showcase at Fulton Stall Market at the South Street Seaport and our Applepalooza on September 15th at the Union Square Greenmarket – both FREE tasting showcases sponsored by New York Apple Association! Get info on local vacations and pick-your-own orchards in New York State!

From the Greater Niagara Region to the Finger Lakes to the Hudson Valley to Long Island, apple picking and apple festivals make a great family day trip or romantic weekend getaway!




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