Adding On-Site Workshops with Cheryl

Adding On-Site Workshops with Cheryl

Download Cheryl’s course, “Offering On-Site Classes & Public Workshops on a Farm” here.

Cheryl Rogowski began farming in 1983 when the Onion Harvest Festival was reestablished and she was crowned Princess. In 1984, she received 5,000 acres from her family and started growing broom corn, sunflowers, zinnias, chili peppers and ground cherries. Starting in 1998, she grew a community-supported agriculture program from 12 to 156 members, and since then has sold at farmers’ markets in the New York City and Hudson Valley Regions. Cheryl participates in El Puente (“The Bridge”) CSA for low-income people and English lessons for migrant workers. In addition to mentoring Future Farmers of America students, she helps with “Just Food”, and “The Tastemakers” annual food festivals. In 2004, she received the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship Award “Genius Grant.” Since then, she’s focused on building her “Black Dirt” catering business and running on-farm classes and workshops for the public on Rogowski Farm.

In her training course, learn how to take your passion and turn it into a side stream of revenue on site. Whether you like to cook, bake or make herb gardens in quirky containers, Cheryl will teach you how she monetized her passion to offer on-site classes at her working farm and thereby increased visits and more clients for her catering business.

“I cannot emphasize enough how much we enjoy putting on these workshops,” Cheryl says. “We meet so many great people and it’s such a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge, share who you are, share what your operation is all about, and to really and truly be a central integral part of the community around you. When folks talk about the farm in this area, they’re talking about us and our operation, and that’s a pretty special place to be.” 


Download Cheryl’s course, “Offering On-Site Classes & Public Workshops on a Farm” here.


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